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Information about Yoga

Thai Massage

An ancient healing technique dating back to over 2.500 years ago, sometimes also described as "yoga for a lazy person", as it uses passive stretching some similar to yoga poses. It is done on the floor mat, with the receiver fully clothed, their body compressed, pulled, stretched and rocked, in order to increase flexibility, relieve muscle and joint tension, balance the body's energy systems, leaving you totally relaxed, often described as "floating "..

Mara uses Thai yoga Massage in combination with osteopathy, therapeutic flying and Wuo Tai, a combination of incredible techniques that are more just bodywork. It is more like a poetry of movement, an adventure of the spirit, artfully blending and customizing each treatment according to clients individual needs. Irreplaceable for golf/ polo players, those working on improving flexibility or looking for a genuine healing touch.

Best experiences in this life can not be explained by the limited, analitical mind, they can only be Felt, with a beat of the heart.

'Only 1 session and I played golf like a god, for the first time in my life!' Koki

'I have never felt so calm and at peace, during and afterwards the session. It's like everything had fallen back into place. I could'nt reccommend this enough'. Amie

'Mara has the healing hands of an angel! After my first thai massage, I spent the afternoon in a nutarally induced "valium" state. After a very restful sleep, I awoke with a pain free body and no stiffness whatsoever! My head was clear and I was ready for the world. This healing practice is a must!' Kirsty

'I have been going to Thailand regularly for over 25 years and this is definetely one of the best!' Joan

'What a gift!! Mara, you have sent me to heaven and back!! Wow! Wow! Wow!' Roseanne

'The physical strength and power of this girl is nothing short of Amazing, but even more incredible is the state of your body, mind and soul she will leave you in. She is for sure not of this world!' Elijah

Telephone: +34 620 746 021

'99% practice, 1% theory'
* Sri K. Pattabhi Jois *

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