Telephone: +34 620 746 021 - Return to the opening page
Information about Yoga


Mara (also called Ananda - name given by beloved Raja Yoga teacher Nalanie Chellaram, and Agnieszka - name given by parents) has been sharing yoga practice and knowlegde since 2004.

Yoga has been her passion and great love of her life for many years and she feels truly greatful and privilaged to be able to share it with others.

She has practiced, researched, studied and completed teacher trainings in many styles of yoga, including Integral Hatha, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Prana Vinyasa and Philosophy of yoga - Raja Yoga - Science of the Mind.

Mara's teaching style is unique: inspirational and playful, down-to-earth attitude, making your yoga journey comfortable and joyful and accesible to all levels.

She has been featured in 'Inside Out Health' Magazine, 'Mind Body Spain' Sky TV, promoting yoga and healthy living for Junta de Andalucia...

She has been certified by Yoga Alliance and Integral Yoga Centre and still continues to practice and study, deepening her understanding of yoga, spirituality and life.

Telephone: +34 620 746 021

'To become learned, each day add something.
To become enlightened, each day drop something'
* Lao Tzu *

Classes, retreats and workshops

About Ananda


About Ananda
